Internal Operating Regulations
The present Postgraduate Studies Internal Regulation supplements the provisions of Chapter F [second and third cycle of studies] of Law No 4485/4-8-2017 (Government Gazette 114/v.A/4-8-2017) “Organization and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions” and refers to the operation of the Joint Postgraduate Studies Programme (JPSP) “Semiotics, Culture and Communication”.
Article 1. Aim of the JPSP
The object of study of the JPSP titled “Semiotics, Culture and Communication” is investigating phenomena and developments in almost every field of contemporary culture, at a theoretical and applied level, from literature, advertising, mass media, audiovisual culture, art and cultural heritage, to language, ideology, translation, popular culture and cultural adaptation, highlighting the analytical and interpretative potential of semiotics in the study of culture in all its diversity, complexity and dynamism. These are special thematic units of the objects of study of the first cycle of studies of the collaborating Schools, on which postgraduate students are invited to focus, utterly aiming at training them to become specialized scientific personnel, who will be able to meet existing and foreseen social and developmental needs of the labour market in the field of communication and culture.
The objectives of this Joint Postgraduate Studies Programme (JPSP) are fulfilled by students attending organized postgraduate courses and submitting a Master's Thesis, in accordance with international academic standards. A detailed list of these objectives includes:
• The study of the life of communication signs in a socio-cultural environment.
• Research into contemporary communication techniques and strategies, and their use in understanding culture.
• The search for meaning in different kinds of texts (literary, political, visual, advertising, etc.)
• Comprehending the relationship between semiotics and the other human sciences
• Gaining an understanding of the different models of semiotic analysis of cultural practices.
• Raising awareness of (inter)cultural communication issues in educational practice.
• The initiation into contemporary manifestations of multimodality, cultural adaptation and audiovisual communication.
• The study of ideology and social identities.
• The application of theory to practice.
The learning outcomes and the profile of students graduating from the JPSP include the following features:
• excellent knowledge of the subject matter that will enable them to work as communication experts
• critical analysis of communication, ideology, culture, identity, and cultural practices
• analysis and understanding of different texts, objects of study, and behaviours in the socio-cultural environment
• understanding of the basic concepts of culture, cultural industry and heritage
• exploration of the ways in which linguistic and non-linguistic communication is realized in cultural life
• in-depth knowledge of new trends in audiovisual communication, and of methods of promoting culture in the information and knowledge society
• knowledge of research methodology,
• ability to analyze, synthesize, and interpret information
• development of interdisciplinarity
• cultivation of intercultural awareness.
Article 2. Bodies of Postgraduate Studies Programmes (Articles 31, 44 and 45 of Law No 4485/2017)
The competent body for the administration, organization, and management of the Joint Postgraduate Studies Programme “Semiotics, Culture and Communication” is:
I. The Senate of the Institution is the competent body for the academic, administrative, organizational, and financial issues of the Postgraduate Programmes, and exercises those powers relating to the Postgraduate Programmes that are not specifically assigned by law to other bodies.
II. The seven-member Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC), whose responsibilities are defined in Article 31 par. 3 of Law No 4485/2017.
III. The Coordinating Committee (SC) of the JPSP consists of five (5) Faculty members of the collaborating schools, who have undertaken postgraduate work and are elected by the SIC for a two-year term, and are responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the JPSP. At the end of the term of office of the SC, the outgoing Director is responsible for preparing a detailed report on the research and educational work of the JPPS, as well as on its other activities, aiming at upgrading studies, at better utilization of human resources, optimization of existing infrastructure, and socially beneficial use of the available resources of the JPSP.
IV. The Postgraduate Studies Committee consisting of the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, who acts as the President, and the Deans of the Institution who act as members. The Postgraduate Studies Committee has the responsibilities defined in Article 32, par. 5 of Law No 4485/2017.
V. The Director of the JPSP is a member of the SC and, along with his/her deputy, they are appointed upon decision of the SIC for a two-year term of office, and must meet the requirements of Article 31, par. 8 Law Νo 4485/2017. He/She may not serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms of office, and shall not be entitled to additional remuneration for his administrative work. The Director has the powers defined in Article 31, par. 8 of Law No 4485/2017, and any others specified by the SIC (Article 45, par. 1c).
VI. The six-member Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), responsible for the external academic evaluation of the Postgraduate Programmes (article 44, par. 3 of Law No 4485/2017).
Article 3. Categories of candidates for attending the JPSP “Semiotics, Culture and Communication” (Article 34 par. 1, 7 and 8 of Law No 4485/2017)
Categories of candidates who can be admitted to attend the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Degree Programme “Semiotics, Culture and Communication” are:
1. Holders of Bachelor degrees from Hellenic Universities and Hellenic Universities of Applied Sciences.
2. Holders of Bachelor degrees of similar institutions operating in other countries. The Diploma of Postgraduate Studies can not be awarded to a student whose Bachelor degree from a non-Hellenic institution has not been recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (D.O.A.T.A.P.), in accordance with Law No. 3328/2005 (Α' 80).
3. If members of the E.E.P. (Special Teaching Staff), E.D.I.P. (Laboratory Teaching Staff) and E.T.E.P. (Special Technical Laboratory Staff) categories meet the requirements of the first section of par. 1, Article 34, they may register as supernumerary students. Only one person per year can be admitted, per Postgraduate Programme organized by Schools of the institution they serve in, and whose field of study is relevant to the degree and the work they carry out in the institution concerned.
Article 4. Number of candidates admitted, Criteria and Selection Process (Articles 34 and 45 of Law No 4485/2017)
The maximum number of postgraduate students admitted per year is set at thirty (30), and may be modified, without exceeding the maximum number set, following a decision of the SIC and depending on the circumstances at the time of the announcement (call of interest) for new places.
On dates determined by the SIC, the SIC itself advertises the places available by way of an open admission procedure (call of interest) for graduate students interested in attending the JPSP. The call specifies the admission requirements, the categories and number of graduates to be admitted, the admission procedure, selection criteria, etc., the deadlines for submitting applications, as well as the supporting documents required. Applications, together with the necessary supporting documents, are submitted to the Secretariat of the School responsible for the JPSP, either in paper or digital form. An examination fee for the application file is required and the deposit is made to a bank account of the Special Account for Research Fund (ELKE) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Candidate selection criteria include:
1. Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma awarded mark (up to 10 points)
2. Marks in undergraduate courses, as well as overall performance in a thesis - if required for obtaining a Bachelor’s degree - in subjects related to the JPSP programme (up to 10 points).
3. Competency in the English language (level B2, according to the CEFR) is a prerequisite (10 points). The level of foreign language competency can be proven in one of the following ways: i. State Certificate of Language Competency, in accordance to Law No. 2740/1999, as amended by par. 19, Article 13 of Law No 27404040. ii. Bachelor's Degree in a foreign language and literature or Bachelor’s Degree in foreign language translation and interpreting by a Hellenic university or one equivalent by corresponding universities abroad, iii. Diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate degree or doctoral degree of any recognized higher education institution abroad, iv. School Leaving Certificate, equivalent to the one granted by Greek Secondary Education, if obtained after at least six years of regular study abroad. It should be clarified that a foreign language Teaching Permit does not prove knowledge of a foreign language (Decree 347/2003). Candidates who hold such a permit must provide a certified copy and an exact translation of the degree/diploma on the basis of which the foreign language Teaching Permit was issued.
4. Competency in a second or other foreign language, at B2 level (5 points for each language and up to two languages). Language competency is proved in the aforementioned ways. 5. Reference letters (optional)
6. Interview by an appointed committee (30 points)
7. Professional experience. Duration and relevance of the candidate's employment to the content of the programme should be documented (up to 10 points)
8. Research experience in the field of semiotics, culture, and communication (up to 10 points)
9. Publications and authorship in the field of semiotics, culture, and communication (up to 10 points).
Following the decision of the SIC, the selection process among candidates is carried out by a competent three-member Admissions and Examination Committee, consisting of Faculty members who have undertaken postgraduate work. The Committee compiles a complete list of all candidates and, after the pertinent verification process, rejects those who do not meet the minimum criteria established by the JPSP, and invites for an interview the candidates who have met the prerequisites and have qualified.
Upon completion of the evaluation process based on the supporting documents portfolio and the interview, the final list of successful candidates is compiled. In the event of a tie, all those who tie will be admitted as supernumerary admissions. Once validated by the SIC, the final list of successful candidates and potential runners-up, is posted on the announcement board of the JPSP Secretariat and on the programme website.
Article 5. Duration and Terms of Attendance (Articles 33, 34 and 35 of Law No 4485/2017)
The duration of study in the JPSP in "Semiotics, Culture and Communication" is set at three (3) semesters.
In accordance with (114 A'), postgraduate students are provided with the possibility of part-time study. This applies for working students, who are required to submit proof/certificates of employment of at least 20 hours per week. The duration of part-time study may not exceed double the duration of the full-time duration of study. All certificates issued by private sector institutions must be submitted to the Secretariat of the JPSP, after being certified by the Hellenic Labour Inspectorate.
Upon submission of the relevant supporting documents to the Secretariat of the JPSP and following a decision of the Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC), the possibility of part-time study is also provided for non-working postgraduate students who are unable to meet the minimum requirements of the full-time programme due to special and extremely serious reasons, such as illness, serious family reasons, military service, reasons of force majeure.
In addition, postgraduate students may be granted, upon application, a temporary suspension of studies, which may not exceed two (2) consecutive semesters. During the period of suspension of studies, the postgraduate student loses his/her status as a university student. The period of suspension does not count towards the maximum period of regular study.
In exceptional cases, such as in the case of illness, pregnancy, serious family reasons, military service, reasons of force majeure, postgraduate students may be granted, upon submission of the relevant supporting documents to the secretariat of the MSc, an extension of studies for up to one year, following a reasoned decision of the SIC.
The SIC is responsible for deciding upon matters of retakes regarding courses one has failed to pass or has been removed from, after a proposal from the Coordinating Committee, which defines the conditions of the retake and the reasons one has been removed.
Reasons for removal are: a) insufficient progress of the postgraduate student (which is documented by non-participation in the educational process: attendance, exams), b) inadequate fulfillment of other obligations defined by the Internal Regulation, c) behaviour that violates academic ethics, such as plagiarism, d) disrespectful and offensive behaviour towards lecturers and/or fellow students, and e) claim filed by the postgraduate student himself/herself.
If a postgraduate student fails to pass a course exam or the exams of several courses and, consequently, does not successfully complete the programme, they are examined, at their request, by a three-member committee consisting of Faculty teaching staff members, who are appointed by the School Assembly, and whose object of study is the same or pertinent to the course under examination. The instructor in charge of the examination is excluded from the committee.
Postgraduate students shall enroll and participate in the postgraduate programme within a period of fifteen days after being notified by the JPSP Secretariat and submitting the required documents. In case of a successful applicant does not register within the deadline set, the 1st, 2nd, etc. runner-ups will be invited to register.
Postgraduate students have all the rights, benefits, and facilitation measures provided for first-cycle students, except the right to free textbooks. The collaborating Schools must ensure that facilitate postgraduate students with disabilities and/or special educational needs.
Postgraduate students pay to the Special Account for Research Fund (ELKE) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki the amount of €1,500 as tuition fees. Payments are made as follows:
- €500 upon enrolment in the first semester of studies
- €500 upon enrolment in the second semester of studies
- €500 upon enrolment in the third semester of studies.
Tuition fees are payable from October 1st to October 15th, for the winter semester, and from March 1st to March 15th, for the spring semester. Students who do not complete their studies in the time allowed by this Internal Regulation (four semesters) shall pay the amount of €250 for each additional semester they extend their studies.
At the request of the student, a refund of tuition fees per semester is allowed only if there is an extremely serious reason for suspending one’s studies, and if the student adequately justifies in writing the reasons for such suspension to the SIC no later than 25 days from the day the courses begin.
Postgraduate students whose personal income does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median equivalent income and whose family income does not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the national median equivalent income are exempt from paying tuition fees. The exempted students should not be more than thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the JPSP, and this measure can only apply to one Postgraduate Studies Programme one attends. According to article 35, Law No 4485/2017, if the beneficiaries exceed the above percentage, they are selected by way of ranking starting from those with the lowest income.
The application for tuition fees exemption is submitted by the person concerned to the JPSP, after the student selection process is completed. In no case is financial inability to pay a reason for not being selected to attend the JPSP.
To successfully complete the JPSP and be awarded the Master’s degree, the number of absences of postgraduate students should not be more than 20% of the teaching hours of each course. In addition, postgraduate students are required to attend the scientific lectures and events organized by the JPSP.
Article 6. Curriculum - Knowledge Testing (Articles 34 and 45 of Law No 4485/2017)
The language of instruction of the programme is Greek. In order to obtain the “Semiotics, Culture and Communication” Master’s degree, postgraduate students should collect ninety (90) ECSTS.
Courses are divided into compulsory and elective. In the first semester of studies, postgraduate students attend one (1) compulsory course and three (3) elective courses. In the second semester, postgraduate students attend one (1) compulsory course and three (3) elective courses. In the 3rd semester, students are engaged in writing the Master's thesis (Thesis).
In order to activate an elective course, one third (1/3) of the postgraduate students of the respective academic year must be register in it. The SIC may also propose new elective courses or modify the semester elective courses are taught if this is deemed necessary for the programme to function properly.
It is mandatory that all courses should be semester-long, last thirteen (13) weeks, and include lectures, workshops, tutorials, discussions, exercises, assignments, and independent learning where required. Distance learning is provided for thirty-five percent (35%) of the course, using digital platforms (e.g., skype, blue button) or any other system the collaborating Schools may make available.
The ECTS - workload correspondence is set at 1 ECTS = 25 hours of workload. The thesis is written in Greek. Writing the thesis in a foreign language (English, French, German, Italian, French) may be approved upon request of the postgraduate student, once the SIC agrees to it.
ΥΜ-1 Theory of semiotics and culture 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-1 Semiotics and art history 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-2 Semiotics of graphic design and visual communication 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-3 Multimodal semiotics: theory and applications 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-4 Semiotics and education 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-5 Semiotics and audiovisual adaptation 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-6 Intermedia narratology 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-7 Semiotics of migrant literature 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ-8 Semiotics and digital tools in literature teaching 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ -9 Semiotics and memory studies 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΕΜ -10 Scientific research methods and data collection tools 7,5 ECTS, 3h
ΥΜ-2 MA thesis design and writing 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-11 Semiotic and cultural heritage 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-12 Semiotics of the image 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-13 Semiotics and photography 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-14 Semiotics of audiovisual discourse (cinema, television) 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-15 Intersemiosis and cultural adaptation 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-16 Semiotic and intersemiotic approaches in Digital Humanities 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-17 Issues of intertextuality in the semiotics of poetic and visual discourse 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-18 Social semiotics, ideologies and identities in mass culture discourse 7,5 3h
ΕΜ-19 Semiotics of popular culture 7,5 3 ΕΜ-20 Non-linguistic communication 7,5 3h
DΕ Master’s Thesis 30 ECTS
The beginning and ending of courses is in accordance with the academic calendar of undergraduate courses. In case a class is postponed, there is a make-up class scheduled, in consultation with the lecturer.
Course assessment is in the form of progress tests, assignments, written or oral exams or a combination of the above. In case a student fails, they may be a retake during the September exam period or in the next exam period in which the course is taught.
In case a postgraduate student fails to pass a course exam or the exams of several courses, they are examined, at their request, by a three-member committee consisting of Faculty teaching staff members of the School appointed by the SIC, and whose object of study is the same or pertinent to the course under examination. The instructor in charge of the examination is excluded from the committee.
Assessment in different classes is carried out by means of written or oral exams, assignments or a combination of the above.
The grading scale for assessing postgraduate student performance is set from zero (0) to ten (10), six (6) being the lowest passing grade.
In order to write a Master’s Thesis (article 34, par. 4 of Law No 4485/2017), the Coordinating Committee, following the candidate's application, in which the proposed title of the postgraduate thesis, the proposed supervisor, and a summary of the proposed thesis are indicated, appoints the supervisor and a three-member Examination Committee for the approval of the thesis. One member of this committee is the supervisor of the MA thesis. The academic specialization of the members of the three-member Examination Committee must be the same or pertinent to the object of study of the postgraduate programme.
The Master's Thesis Defense takes place before the three-member Examination Committee at a date and place set by the SIC. After its approval by the Committee, it is mandatory that the Thesis should be uploaded on the website of the School in question. In exceptional cases, if there is objective difficulty or serious reasons (resignation, sick leave of a member of the three-member Committee), the supervisor or a member of the three-member Examination Committee may be replaced, upon the decision of the SIC.
The Thesis is written in the Greek language, and it is only after granted special permission by the SIC that it may be written in a foreign language. The length of the Thesis is approximately 16,000 words, written in Times New Roman size 12 font, with 1.5 spacing (notes, bibliography, tables, etc are not included in the word-count). It is submitted to the members of the three-member Examination Committee and to the Secretariat of the JPSP in hard copy or in digital form. The evaluation of the Thesis takes place within a period of three months from the date of submission. The Thesis is graded by the supervisor and the two members separately and the mark is forwarded to the JPSP Secretariat.
The final mark of the Thesis is the average of the three marks of the three graders. The final mark of the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies (D.M.S.) is calculated by weighing the average of the courses of the postgraduate programme and the Thesis (these are weighed according to the credits of the courses and the Thesis). It is calculated to the second decimal digit, in the following way: the mark of each course and of the Thesis (where applicable) is multiplied by the corresponding number of credit points (ECTS) and the sum of the products is divided by the minimum number of credit points required to obtain the Master’s degree.
Master’s degree final mark = sum of the product of (grade of each course x corresponding ECTS of each course) + (grade of Master’s Thesis x ECTS) (total ECTS).
Article 7. Scholarships (articles 35 and 45 of Law No 4485/2017)
The present Internal Regulation for Postgraduate Studies may make provision for awarding scholarships or excellence awards to postgraduate students, upon the decision of the SIC. Scholarships are awarded according to academic, objective criteria or services provided. The conditions, obligations, and rights of scholarship holders are decided upon by the SIC.
Article 8. Teaching Staff (Articles 36 and 45 of Law No 4485/2017)
The courses of the JPSP may be taught by:
1. Faculty teaching staff of the collaborating Schools.
2. Members of the E.E.P. (Special Teaching Staff), E.D.I.P. (Laboratory Teaching Staff) and E.T.E.P. (Special Technical Laboratory Staff) of the collaborating Schools, holders of a doctoral degree (unless the object of study is of exceptional and indisputable specificity, on which a doctoral thesis is not possible or common).
3. Lecturers in accordance with Decree No 407/80 of the collaborating Schools
4. Professors Emeriti and retired Faculty members of the collaborating Schools.
If the teaching staff of the categories mentioned above is insufficient, the SICE may, by reasoned decision, assign teaching work to Faculty members of other Schools of the same academic institution or invite Faculty members of other academic institutions or researchers from research centres included in article 13 A of Law No 4310/2014 (A΄ 258), including the research centres of the Academy of Athens and the Institute of Medical Biological Research of the Academy of Athens or newly recruited/contracted members in accordance with the above provisions.
In addition, taking into account the proposal of the Director of the JPSP, the SIC may decide to invite, as visitors, renowned scientists who hold a position or the qualifications of a professor or researcher in a research center, artists or renowned scientists specializing in or having experience pertinent to the object of study of the JPSP, from Greece or abroad, according to the provisions of par. 5 of Article 36.
The SIC of the JPSP assigns the teaching of courses, seminars, and exercises of the Master’s programme, following the proposal of the Coordinating Committee. Lecturers are obliged to provide, inter alia, a course or lectures outline, the relevant bibliography, a description of the course assessment method, of means of communication with the postgraduate students.
Article 9. Programme funding - Financial Management Procedure (article 37 of Law No 4485/2017)
The JPSP is funded by the following resources:
a) the budget of the universities and the institutions collaborating in its organization,
b) the budget of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs,
c) donations, benefits, bequests and all kinds of sponsorships from public sector bodies, as defined in case a of par. 1 Article 14 of Law No 4270/2014 (A' 143) or from the private sector,
d) resources from research projects,
e) resources from the European Union or other international organizations programmes, f) part of the funding of the Special Account for Research Fund (ELKE) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
g) any other legal resource,
h) tuition fees.
According to Article 37 par. 4 of Law No 4485/2017, the revenue of the JPSP is managed by the Special Account for Research Fund (ELKE). 70% of it is allocated to the operating costs of the programme and 30% is allocated to the operating costs of the Institution.
According to par. 6 of the same article, the JPSP is obliged to publish annually (by posting it on its website) a statement of income and expenses, indicating the way the expenses are allocated by category and, especially, the amount of tuition fees, the fees of the lecturers of the JPSP, and the number of lecturers who have received them.
Article 10. Administrative Support - Infrastructure
The administrative support of the JPSP will be provided by the Secretary of the supervising School, who will be assisted by an administrative employee recruited to address the needs of the programme. The technical staff of the supervising School and of the collaborating Schools will provide technical support to the programme.
Classes will be held in the Semiotics Laboratory of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, or other classrooms that the collaborating Schools can provide. The Semiotics Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the programme to operate.
Article 11. Graduation Ceremony (article 45 par. 1, sub-paragraph 15 of Law No 4485/2017)
Students complete their studies in the JPSP upon collecting the ECTS required, publicly defending their Thesis, and after their Thesis mark is submitted to the Secretarial of the JPSP.
Article 12. Type of Diploma of Postgraduate Studies Awarded(PSP) (article 45 par. 1, sub-paragraph 15 of Law No 4485/2017)
The Diploma of Postgraduate Studies is issued by the Secretariat of the JPSP. The Schools participating in organizing the JPSP, the emblem of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the date of completion of studies, the year the MA degree is issued, the graduation reference number, the title of the JPSP, the personal information of the postgraduate student, and the evaluation classification (Good, Very Good, Excellent) are written on the Diploma.
The graduate of the Joint Postgraduate Studies Programme may be provided, prior to the award, with a certificate of successful completion of the programme In addition to the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, a Diploma Supplement [Article 15 of Law No 3374/2005 and of the Ministerial Decree Φ5/89656/BE/13-8-2007 (Government Gazette 1466 Vol. B)] is issued, which is an explanatory document providing information on the nature, level, general educational framework, content and status of the studies successfully completed, and which does not replace the official degree or the academic transcript certificate awarded by academic institutions.
Article 13. Plagiarism
When submitting any postgraduate assignment, postgraduate students are required to indicate whether they have used the work and opinions of others. Copying is considered serious academic misconduct. Plagiarism is defined as copying someone else's work, as well as using someone else's work - published or unpublished - without proper reference to it. Citing any documentary material, even from the candidate's own studies, without proper reference, may constitute grounds for a decision by the SIC of the JPSP to expel the candidate.
In the aforementioned cases - and after reasoned proposal of the supervising professor - the SIC of the JPSP may decide to expel the candidate. Any misconduct or violation of academic ethics is referred to the Coordinating Committee (SC) of the JPSP, which is to examine, and provide the SIC of the JPSP with a proposal in order to address the problem. Offences of copying or plagiarism and, in general, any violation of the provisions on intellectual property by a postgraduate student during writing assignments or preparing a postgraduate thesis are also considered offences.